Turning Your Side Hustle into a Full-Time Job (Chris Silvestri) - Interview with Christopher Silvestri

January 15, 2019 00:30:12
Turning Your Side Hustle into a Full-Time Job (Chris Silvestri) - Interview with Christopher Silvestri
The Bean Ninjas Podcast
Turning Your Side Hustle into a Full-Time Job (Chris Silvestri) - Interview with Christopher Silvestri

Jan 15 2019 | 00:30:12


Show Notes

Bean Ninjas Podcast - Episode 30 - Christopher Silvestri

In Episode 30 of the Bean Ninjas Podcast, Christopher Silvestri, a SaaS Copywriter & Sales Messaging Engineer, shares his experience in transitioning from a corporate job to a freelance business. Bean Ninjas sponsored Christopher’s attendance in the recently held Dynamite Circle Austin.

Are you burnt out and tired of being a corporate employee day in, day out?

Learn how Christopher successfully made it from being a corporate employee to a traveling freelancer:

In this podcast, Christopher shares his interesting journey from packing up and leaving his hometown, completely changing his career and becoming a freelancer. He shares valuable information about what has done and the things he has gone through to get to where he is today.

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